Believe it or not I needed a break from these little people!
I went to Cave Creek, Arizona and hung out in my Dad's second home. The best thing to being alone is being with my brother. I say that, because we expect very little from one another. I feel no need to watch my mouth or my attitude when I'm with him. We don't exactly bring out the best in each other, but at the same time he is the easiest relationship in my life. We are 13 months apart in age. We live
very different lives, but have always been friends.
I took a picture of myself all alone with my coffee.
I'm never allowed this luxury at home! |
Arizona weather is hard to describe unless you've experienced it. Nebraska weather is NEVER consistent. It is obsessed over and talked about and then what you worried about happening at the end of the week ends up not even occurring then it all gets talked about again. I guess a good word for NE weather...dramatic! Arizona weather is the complete opposite. It is sunny like 363 days a year, it has an actual "breeze" (which never happens in NE), it is warm all day and then this perfect cool "cardigan" weather at night. It is a dry heat, so when the Flight Attendant tells you it is 90 degrees outside you need not worry about sweating the minute you walk outside. That is right, you don't sweat! The only people that wouldn't think AZ is super crazy hot in the summer is NE people. We experience a heat wave in July that causes moisture beads to start the minute you step outside, and the hot wind blows your hair all out of place, and you can only do something outside if it is by water. Not much different then AZ, except no moisture and no wind!
Completely flat except for the mountains that just pop out of the ground in random places |
Did I mention you have to watch your every step for a rattlesnake?! The warthogs rome freely in the neighborhood, and you don't want to lean on a tree for support! |
The Grand Canyon is only 3 hours and 11 minutes away (according to the GPS). If you ride with myself or my brother in my Dad's aaamaaazzing Mercedes it will take about 2 hours 45 minutes!
Something else that is hard to put into words or do justice with pictures....The Grand Canyon!
The North Rim Don't quote me, but pretty sure this side can't be reached by car |
CO River and some other River connect here!!! |
The Canyon was worth the drive-up |
I saw the Grand Canyon and visited Sedona 10 years ago with Don. It always makes me feel old when I realize how long it has been since I've been somewhere. When Don and I went there was no gift shop or railing around the "visiting area" around the South Rim of the Canyon. Now, it is pretty fancy. There is even a shuttle! I wouldn't be paralyzed with fear taking Austin up there, although I would still put him on one of those backpack leashes!!!
The drive home had us taking a scenic highway that took us through Sedona. We walked around downtown Sedona and enjoyed some fried Rattlesnake! Yep, I did 2 things in one day that I had never done before...helicopter ride and ate some rattlesnake.
Sedona is breathtaking |
He looks bored! This is before we ate fried Rattlesnake! |
Thanks for agreeing to "escape" the grind of our daily lives with me! Our relationship is why I value the sibling bond so strongly with my own kids. I want them to have what I have with you. That unfailing trust that you will always have my back, tell me when I'm being a b*^#*, or point out that my butt has gotten smaller! Whether we go 3 months without talking or 1 year without seeing each other, I know you will always be my brother...and my friend! An added perk, your the only one who remembers how Mom and Dad fought over a map on vacation! The apple didn't fall far from the tree on that one! (for the record: I didn't cry!)
Happy Birthday!
My brother had never seen the 7th Wonder of the World. What is the best way to celebrate your 34th Birthday!?! Marking off your bucket list... Helicopter ride over Grand Canyon.
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