I didn't laugh enough when my first two kids were toddlers. I was very overwhelmed, anxious about everything, and the trapped feeling of "this is never going to end" consumed me. When Grant turned 3 I felt much of that go away. I had survived sleep training, potty training, bottle breaking, binky taking, separation anxiety, and much of the little stuff that can consume our thoughts as mothers. It was about this year I stopped to really evaluate the restlessness of "not having any more kids." Obviously, Don and I decided our family wasn't complete!
she is looking "older" these days when I look at her I can see what she will look like grown up |
Molly will be 9 years old this year. That means I'm halfway through the "raising" years. That went FAST. Hold-up "time" because this isn't what I want...I need it to slow down. When Grant was born I wanted another baby...just 3 kids please. Don was firm in saying it was 2 more or no more. What?! That makes no sense, but he didn't budge from this thought, I tried to persuade him that 3 was a good number! In reality, I would like time to add about 6-8 months to each year. Heidi would stay 6 months old for 6-8 months and then she could be 7 months and then at 12 months I'd get to add another 6-8 months. That sounds reasonable! Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. We must let go and hold onto the memories. Savor the moments we have today.
I asked her to pose. we got a whole bunch of shots...her ringing the doorbell, opening the front door, petting the dog, she wanted to lay across the fountain and I stopped the photo shoot! |
I love my boys They play so different then girls |
I like to guess what my children might be good at when they are grown. Maybe an accountant? Austin notices details and can focus for long periods of time on stickers on a sled, but getting him to sit in a restaurant is next to impossible. |
It has been a gift for me to have those 5 years to come up for air between my "A" team and "B" team. Life is crazy in our house. I needed to get air so I could use it to laugh more! I am grateful that I don't worry about the nap schedule being exactly how I want it, how long the television has been on, how much milk has been consumed and fruits and vegetables, how clean the house is or how long it has been since I washed my hair.
I married a pretty awesome guy. Sure there are a couple of things I would change, but then we wouldn't have anything to work on and that is boring...I like a good challenge! I'm glad he was firm in wanting an even numbered family!
I wouldn't have Heidi Mae. When I told him I would have 2 more babies he was surprised, raised his eyebrows at me! Part of me thought he would change his mind when the 3rd came along. Nope, Austin was a very challenging baby and Don would have been fine with me being pregnant 4 months after he was born!!!
Our dog is obsessed with snow. Don is throwing snowballs in the air. It is fun to watch the puppy come out of our 10 year old dog when snow goes flying! |
Don is an active and involved Dad. He happily dropped Grant off at wrestling practice and then headed to Kindermusic with Austin! In order to take Austin to music you must be in good spirist and not be on edge with Austin before going into class. If the stars aren't in alignment that day we don't go to music, better to skip class then loose it on Austin in class! Music with Austin is a SNL clip. He is the oversized toddler with the diaper sticking out of his pants, he is trying to get the hula hoops off the wall, sitting on the steps, rolling around on the floor, he sits when everyone stands, and stands when everyone sits, he hollers bunny (the teacher owns a rabbit), he dumps the basket of scarves or bells when they come out, he is done with the song about 1 verse into it. The class last 30 minutes, Thank God, and there are only about 2 or 3 other kids, and the teacher is WONDERFUL! Did I mention we feel that since Molly and Grant both did it then Austin needs to be in it as well. Don was firm in telling me we choose 4 kids, and, therefore, we will not only have 2 involved in activities! When I tried to skip signing him up, Don said "we are going to take Austin to music!"
He took off his boots and stood in the water barefoot. Grant was hollering "Mom" in a panic over a barefoot brother in the middle of February! His pants were soaked after sitting on the concrete! I forget everything is still so new to a toddler! |
We like to watch American Idol with the kids. After an eventful music class, Don sat on the couch with the iPad. Grant ate his Mac and Cheese dinner on the couch next to me and Molly did kartwheels and leaps in front of us. Austin enjoyed his dinner of Colby Ridge popcorn straight from the bag! When one of the evenings contestants (who was very Large) fell to his knees and got emotionally wrapped up in his song about "your text takes me to paradise" I burst out laughing (along with all 4 judges). Grant was so upset with me, "that's mean Mom! Your laughing at him." Me, "Uhmmmm, I'm not laughing AT him! Ok, maybe I am laughing at him." Later, when the guy got eliminated it made Grant burst out in tears. Like, full blown quiet sobs, which had him gagging on his Mac and Cheese! I know my son well, so I asked if it was over the big boy not getting picked and he nodded his head yes! Molly starts asking (in between kartwheels) "whats wrong with Grant?" After the 3rd time asking it occurs to Don there is life happening outside the iPad! When he started asking Grant why he was crying, in a very annoyed tone, and then snapped at Molly to stop doing kartwheels, and then moved onto "why is Austin walking around with popcorn?" I couldn't do anything but laugh! I told Don and Molly that Grant has a big caring heart for the boy who got eliminated, Austin is going to walk around with a bag or a bowl...it makes no difference, and Molly "you need to stop doing acrobatics in the middle of the living room!" Don went back to Craigslist!

Compromise can bring great rewards!
And Laughter....well laughter is the best medicine!
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