~It was four years ago that my siblings were all together.
~There is a first time for everything, as my brothers brought their significant others home for the holiday.
~My first year buying gifts for four children. I mean I bought a few gifts for Heidi last year, but this year she was included in the same amount as her siblings! Slightly overwhelming (thank you Amazon for making it a touch easier)!
~I watched true Christmas Magic still happening with my nine year old. Seeing them be kids with innocence and excitement for Santa, his elf, and the cookies and presents and where does the tracker show him. It all brought me back to the anxiety I would feel when I'd go to bed and wonder when the big man would appear in my house! I wasn't sure if Molly still believed...she does! (although, she is questioning why he hasn't brought her that iPod touch she keeps asking for)
~Toddlers bring a level of fun to the everything. Actually they bring a set of challenges to everything, the fun is mixed in there! Heidi ignored the presents under the tree until the 22nd of December when we celebrated with the Zeleny Family. It was there that she figured out what a present really was all about! It was a challenge for three days as found ripped gifts, heard Austin shouting "No, Heidi" as she unwrapped gifts, or she just carried presents to us to be unwrapped or we found her hugging a wrapped present.
~Austin lived in a state of fear after realizing Santa would be coming to our house. As Molly and Grant discussed and he overheard he would often come up to me and ask, "Santa coming?" This was said with fear. I would reassure him that Santa would not be coming. The night we attended a friend's "Santa coming" party Austin hid behind my leg until the big man got settled on the couch. When the other forty kids at the party crowded in to watch Santa pull presents from his bag, well then Austin got comfortable! With Molly there to be his security blanket I got a picture of my Austin James smiling on Santa's lap!
~As for Grant this Christmas. I think this boy will be thirty-five before he convinces himself Santa is not real. He sent Santa a letter in the mail. He included a dollar bill and a small candy cane along with his list, which included a puppy and a bunk bed with a ladder. He was overcome with concern when learning that the Elf had been touched by Heidi. The relief he felt was genuine when he awoke to find that the cinnamon he had left the Elf worked! The boy was worried. He told me he didn't think the Santa at the "Santa coming" party was the real Santa. I wondered if the synthetic beard and dark hair sticking out from under the wig had given it away, but to my surprise Grant shared, "Santa doesn't wear glasses."
I had no idea this was under the tree. His favorite gift! I'm glad our boy has a Dad who knows him better than he knows himself!!! |
Christmas with my Family brings me overwhelming gratitude for this life I get to live. I love Christmas Eve service at our church. Christmas morning when I am awoken at 6:30am to shrieks of excitement. Watching the excitement over things like a 'shammy' for Dive lessons or gold with leopard faux fur lined shoes. Seeing what my husband picked out for me each year is something I've come to enjoy. He has remarkable taste, spoils me rotten, and he has fun with all of it, which is the best! This group of people I have been given is amazing. Someone pinch me cause I still can't believe it!
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Dora and Boots!!!! She couldn't get enough of them! I loved watching how Swiper was not acknowledged or touched. That sneaky fox might try and steal her Dora and Boots! |
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Last minute add in to the stocking! Starbucks Gift cards!!! When did she get so big!?! |
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Our Happy boy was down with Croup this Christmas. He still found some jolly to mix in with incessant request for his mother. |
A snippet of all the paper and boxes and toys and gifts and people and everything |
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Dogs and kids wanting her food! A reminder that you never stop being a mom |
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She didn't change her mind about Santa He exclaimed, "She's a squirmy one!" |
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Her brother was happy to take this gift from her! |
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I think she hates what this color does to her complexion! Zeleny Christmas included Professional Family pictures~stressful |
She had to just stare at them. She is Dora obsessed! |
These two spoiled my kids with gifts! Funny thing about kids...the best gift they gave them was staying with us over the Holiday! |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! |
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