This might all be different with my third child. My brother spent three days with us over Thanksgiving and was quite surprised at how challenging it can be living with Austin! Mike asked at dinner about going out to eat. I mentioned we use to be able to pack a bag of things to do and go to a restaurant with a server. Then Austin joined the Family. He flips on a switch and he is done. No bag full of fun can change his mind. We all better be done or the entire restaurant will know about it. I could take him to the bathroom and pull out the mean Mom, but it will make it worse! So, we avoid restaurants with servers. Austin has caused me to rethink ALL preconceived ideas, judgements, or previous statements about how parents should handle their children! It has all been thrown out the window with him! Starting with the day I gave birth...a whopping 11lbs 1oz and 22 1/2" long.
I cried when I heard his weight. I thought about how many times I shared about the girl in my birthing class who had a 11lb baby. That was going to be me now! The first sign I was done judging other mothers! I had the baby now who would have "he is big for his age" behind every answer to how old he is. I dropped him at the nursery explaining he is only 8 weeks old so he can't sit up yet! Don't feed him puffs he is only 5 months old. In the store I would loudly state during an 'episode,' "the joys of a 13 month old." Cause he looked like a two and half year old. He is 42lbs and 36" tall and wears a size 10 shoe and he is just three years old. He is a toddler in a preschoolers body. He is a little boy who has a mother that has never assumed he should act older because he is so much bigger than the others his age! Austin has changed my viewpoint in mothering. He has given me compassion for mothers that exceeds any I had before he was born. There is no 'right' way to mother. There is a different way for each of us and another way different for each child we are given. Some different is more extreme than the different before it!
5 months |
8 months |
Happy 1st Birthday Austin James |
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18 months |
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Austin's joy is contagious. It is the gift I get from him when he has mentally and physically pushed me further than I ever thought I could go! |
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A Garden Gnome for his 2nd Halloween |
He was almost 2 when wrestling with Dad became painful for Dad! |
Happy 2nd Birthday! |
I don't handle poop very well. Since my 2 year old is sized more like a 3 year old, I moved quickly to Potty Training! |
Always doing his own thing in his own time no matter what everybody else is doing! |
The boy is rarely caught without a smile. When he does get grumpy it doesn't take much to turn the smile back on! |
Austin James, I can't believe you are three. It isn't fair that time goes faster as I get older. I had this ache when Molly and Grant turned three. The pain that made me wish I could freeze time. I cry because I don't like change and you are changing. The chubby toddler face is thinning out. You are so handsome. Your smile radiates the joy that is a gift which can only come from heaven. You got the memo a couple weeks ago that you were turning 3. This has started the trying of my patience as you loudly communicate your demands. On the flip side you worry about Heidi's safety. You sit on my lap and squeeze my cheeks and ask what "love you" means. Your tummy always hurts cause it needs more fruit snacks and naps should always be "later." You make us laugh and delight in the little things. And that is the best part of three year olds! Happy 3rd Birthday Austin James!
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