

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmastime Madness

White snow, sweaters and slippers, fireplace on, shopping with a coffee in hand, joy over wrapping presents, excitement and laughter from my kids, quiet anticipation for Santa, fun over finding the elf. All things I love about this season. Except none of that really happens. I mean it is mixed into reality.

 If you see life through a small window you will miss it! You will miss reality. Reality is the crazy, challenging, overwhelming, chaos, exhilarating, joyous, abundance of love, neverending monotony I call my Life!

 I had to call Don last week and remind him of a "lighbulb" moment I had that morning! I think our kids are driving us crazy because Christmas is 2 weeks away! Childlike is not in my normal everyday behavior. Yes, I'm surrounded by childlike behavior, but someone has to keep them in line! Don and I were giving each other the eye rolls and "they are so annoying" comments about our kids! 
"Molly, CALM DOWN. Control yourself. Stop shouting. You are too old to act like that." "Grant, STOP jumping on the furniture, stop running in the house, stop putting your knees up when you sit at the table, you NEED TO LISTEN" 
Hold-up, wait a minute, Mom and Dad need to chill out! It is Christmas, it is freezing cold outside, it is 10 days away from Winter Break, it is time to be locked out of Mom's craft room cause it is filled with toys, find our elf, figure out clues in our Advent tree, sing Christmas songs, making Christmas lists, have Elf the movie on repeat, decorate the house, listen to Mom talk over and over about baby Jesus being the reason for Christmas, and getting candy canes packed in your lunch! 

 I hope all parents have had their childlike behavior button pushed! It is Christmas! Bring yourself down to your kids level! As long as they aren't disrespectful, then let them act like over the top excited kids! Before we know it they will be boring uptight adults!!!!
It only happens once a year!!!! (insert sarcasm)
Merry Christmas from one crazy Family to another

The pictures are from our amateur photo shoot at Schram State Park. I was thankful the weather was a perfect 50 degrees! Perfect for capturing a photo for the Christmas card! 
~A tripod and a 3 year old were a great fit! Let him help you press the shutter button and run....He thought it was great!~

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