

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Happy Birthday Grant

March is the trickiest month. It gives you sneak peaks of Spring, but it isn't quite done with Winter. It is close enough to Spring that you stop trying to force yourself to stay positive about the weather. March means you open the windows around one o'clock and rush to close them around six. March means dance competitions, soccer season, and spring break for the kids, and the taste of summer, which brings this pent-up energy out of the kids that drives mother's batty. 

It is also the month my sweet, tender hearted, big brown-eyed boy was born. I will never forget how excited I was over the hospital nursery being full and surgical recovery rooms being full, because it meant I got to hold you much sooner than I had anticipated. This baby was calm, and content, and completely at peace with being out of the womb and rested on my chest. My Grant Mitchel was born 8 years ago today. 
He is the first in the family to pick-up on someone else's pain. He worries about others, deep concern that causes all these confusing emotions to emerge. He cries, but can't tell us why. He will be quick to get angry, but we aren't sure what set him off. He will refuse to hug me or say he loves me, then begs  me to lay with him and wraps his arms around my waist without warning. He is filled with so much empathy and sympathy and questions. I know God has a great plan for those gifts. 
Happy 8th Birthday Grant Mitchel!

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