

Friday, November 1, 2013

Reasons I Love Halloween

 Autumn came late this year in Nebraska. It seemed as if the trees were being stubborn and not turning all the fall shades. I'm not sure if this is why I took notice of our yard this year compared to years past. Or maybe it is because our trees are finally to a size where I could rake the leaves and let the kids jump in them! As I type this I am wondering why we haven't done this, something to do today! 

 I'm sure my kids will roll their eyes and tell me I always say, "Halloween is my favorite Holiday." But it won't stop me from saying, "Halloween is my favorite." Here are some reasons why;
~Fall is in full effect by October 31st. 

~Toddlers in costume is the cutest thing ever.

~Adults in costume makes me laugh out loud. How can you not love a Holiday that brings laughing out loud!

Yes, he is making balloon animals! 

~People turn on their porch lights. They are eager to answer the door. They hand out treats for free! They are friendly. Adults walk the streets with their kids. It is the only Holiday where this happens. Neighbors become neighborly!

My kids don't weigh their candy...they count each piece!!!!

One of many tantrums...He was refusing to be apart of another picture!

My Grandma loves Halloween. I think she loves children in costume, not Halloween!

The reactions from our kids when Don put on this costume was another reason I love Halloween!
Laughter, Laughter, Laughter
 Most Holidays bring Families together that don't normally see each other. Halloween, well it brings friends together who normally spend time together. It is the Holiday that is fun and silly and low key and forces you to be creative and step outside your comfort zone!

Molly and Grant's 6th year attending Boo at the Zoo in Lincoln.
A night my kids look forward to with their friends!
 What would Halloween be without Classroom parties!?! It is the first one of the School year and definitely the best of the three parties of the year! Seeing teachers and peers dressed up has everyone smiling!

I think I love Halloween the most because I know it will quickly become a Holiday where I see my kids being 'too old' to trick or treat and 'too cool' to dress up. As a mom to these little ones I savor the days where everything about being a kid gets to be celebrated! 


  1. I couldn't agree more, Sarah. As I walked the girls around our neighborhood last night, I couldn't help but notice all of the smiling faces, the warm greetings, the fun decorations, and I was even able to enjoy a few quick conversation with other parents as we waited for our kids to run up to the next open door to retrieve another treat or two. Halloween rocks.

  2. I love this! And whole heartedly agree!

  3. Such an interesting perspective! How refreshing! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your photos! Hugs - Claudia
