

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Two kinds of Crazy

As a mom there are a couple kinds of crazy. There is the baby/toddler stuck at home wiping butts, cleaning bottles or cleaning a spot off the couch to nurse, crazy. Then there is the we have a jammed packed day of getting to one spot from another to another in a set amount of time with no room for a traffic jam, crazy. I don't have to stop and think about which crazy I prefer, the one that doesn't have I changed five poopy diapers as the answer to "what I did today." 

Spring Recital 

 If you don't like seeing dance pictures than you might want to skip reading my blog! My firstborn Loves to perform. I enjoy watching her. And the pictures are super cute! Who doesn't love seeing little girls dressed up being "little girls." 
Ballet Number
 Don is the typical "guy" who fights dozing off during a dance recital. I'm not sure if it is due to boredom or the fact he was reading the Sunday Paper in the line outside the auditorium at 8am, two hours before showtime! I don't tell him to go that early, he just doesn't want to watch his daughter from the nosebleed section! 

I had the babysitter at the house by 8:45am to watch the 'littles.' After having myself and Molly ready for the day and forcing Grant into a Polo shirt we headed out to conquer a very full day! I volunteered to be the "dance mom" for the first time. This meant making sure all these very energetic girls made it from the fitting room to the stage. I counted 9 heads 5 times and went up and down the Burke High stairs at least 10 times for the 5 performances the girls were in. My back hurt by the end! But, I got to be spend lots of quality time with them, snapping pictures!!!! 
Dance Mom
(that stupid TLC show gave the whole name a bad rap~
we don't have those Moms in our group~that I know of!)

practicing for "Hello"

She is caught up in the recital happening on the TV screens.
I sometimes wonder if she likes watching dance more than doing dance!

Performing "I can be Anything"
 As it is with everything in motherhood, change happens fast and you're never ready for it. I watched Molly perform her last recital after two years with the Jumpstart team at Nebraska Dance. A place that took the fun of performing to another level, the laughter in the studio to another place of full-on sillies as these girls spent many hours together for two years! They will get the opportunity to stay "little" as they move onto a different team with a little more challenge, and I'm sure just as much fun! Which, is how it should be, cause they are still just "little girls!"

We had 30 minutes to get from dance recital to Piano recital! I was super thankful the Gretna piano teacher had the recital in Omaha! The kid's piano teacher is one of those that I see as another God send in my kid's life. I happened to ask the School Music teacher if she had any names of teachers in Gretna. The first one on her list had an opening! Ms. Kris, she took Molly in 1st grade and had me send Grant in the summer after Kindergarten. The amazing lady takes them both for a hour and listens to them argue over who gets to go first, tattling about who didn't practice, listening to Molly scream at herself when she messes up on the notes, and Grant laugh out loud at Molly when she messes up! Molly is good at the piano, when she takes the time to practice. Grant, he has the natural ability. The teacher told me his focus for a 1st grade boy is excellent. He practices without being told and enjoys it! I'm really curious to see where it takes my kids! In the meantime, they get to practice their performing skills at Piano Recitals! As for performing, Molly is the natural...Grant, he prefers to stand behind his sister!

Our crazy day didn't end took us back to another dance recital! This time we didn't stay for the entire show! Back home to wait for 'littles' to wake from naps and then off to my friends amazing, over the top, WOW, Wizard of Oz birthday party for her daughter's birthday. (wish I had a picture!)
I have to say it was the kind of day where I loved every minute! 
Although, I'm thankful it doesn't happen everyday!

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