

Saturday, November 17, 2012

6 Months

I can't believe it is November 17th and my baby is 6 months old. This is my favorite age in baby land. She isn't mobile, on a fairly decent schedule, is social, and loves to smile and can you not love this age!?  Add the fact that Heidi is one of those babies that I would be envious of other mothers having. She is a "magical" sleeper, smiles all the time, mellow, content, and has no interest in using her legs (which means she won't be walking too soon!). I predict she will talk before she walks as she is quite chatty and won't even stand when you hold her up!!!!

Now, before you become envious of me because of this "easy" baby I have been given, just know that it took 3 "challenging" babies to get the 1 easy!!! If I would have had her first I think I may have had 2 more and since they are all c-sections then it was good that I had it "taken care of."

Ok, I will let you try some of my banana. But just this once!
Knowing it is my last baby has brought a whole different level of emotions to watching Heidi grow. I thought Grant would be my last. I cuddled on him more, but I was in a different place as a mom then and was just happy to know we could "move on" and I wouldn't be pregnant again! With Heidi I'm grieving the months as they pass so quickly. I have wept the evening before Molly's Birthdays as she is my first and it marks so many things for me. Heidi marks the end. Poor thing will probably have some complex as she grows. I will cry over every little milestone and I'm always telling her to "stop growing!" She probably won't move out of the house til she is 25 for fear of causing a breakdown in me, or she will eagerly pack her stuff at 18 and not come home til Christmas!!!! 
 Enough about that, I might cry!
Where's my food Mom? No food Heidi, we are just trying out the new chair!

So, we haven't started baby food yet. Not cause I'm on some "health" kick. It marks a milestone and I'm not ready yet! You might have to ask for it. Or the next time Austin shoves Apple Jacks in your  mouth you should just eat it...instead of screaming!

On your 6 month Birthday I marked a milestone of my own. I ran in a 10 mile race and completed a time I could live with! The women's body is an amazing thing. Something I want to teach my girls! God made women to carry miracles and He loves it when we are in awe of his creation. So, my Heidi...your Momma ran 10 miles 6 months after delivering you via c-section. I'm a little sore, but I mentally I feel good! God can carry you through any situation....and I know He will carry me through all your milestones...with joy and maybe a few tears!

We took 2nd place in the costume contest! (There were only 3 of us dressed up!)
I need to remind myself not to take life so seriously! Dressing up always helps!

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